Skin ulcers are open sores caused by damage and break in the skin, leading to disintegration
and inflammation of the skin. They are usually associated with redness, swelling, and tenderness.
Skin ulcers occur due to a variety of reasons:
- Trauma.
- Exposure to heat or cold.
- Pressure ulcers, which are known as bedsores and decubitus ulcers as well.
- Chronic venous insufficiency.
- Surgical wounds.
- Diabetes.
- Burns.
- Corrosive materials.
- Peripheral vascular disease.
- Peripheral neuropathy.
- Cold sore (herpes labialis).
- Cancers.
- Eczema.
- Infectious diseases.
Nutritional Supports:
Restricted Foods:
- Saturated fats.
- Trans-fats.
- Processed foods.
- Fried foods.
- Sugars and sweets. They weaken the immune system and interfere with healing.
- Foods high in linoleic acid (a type of Omega-6): safflower, sunflower, sesame, and grape seed oils. Linoleic acid is a pro-inflammatory.
- Alcohol and coffee.
- Additives, preservatives, and food colorings.
- MSG (monosodium glutamate)-containing foods.
- Spicy foods.
Recommended Foods:
- Plenty of water: at least 2 liters a day.
- Whole grains.
- Legumes.
- Cold water fish: salmon, herring, and mackerel.
- Enough protein: chicken, turkey and beef.
- Flaxseeds.
- Chia seeds.
- Hemp seeds.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C: citrus fruits, tomatoes, and potatoes.
- Fruits high in flavonoids: berries, and red grapes.
- Fruits and vegetables high in beta-carotene: green leafy and orange-colored vegetables.
- Ginger.
- Spices high in antioxidants: sumac, turmeric, and cinnamon.
- Chamomile and peppermint teas.
Recommended Supplements:
- Omega – 3 Fatty Acids: 2 -3 grams a day.
- French Maritime Pine Bark Extract: 200 – 300 mg a day.
- Grape Seed Extract: 100 – 200 mg a day.
- Aloe Vera Juice: ¼ to ½ cup three times a day. It has internal and external healing effects.
- Evening Primrose Oil: 3000 mg a day. It contains GLA (gamma linoleic acid).
- Vitamin E: 400 – 800 IU a day.
- Vitamin C: 2 – 3 grams a day.
- Zinc: 50 -100 mg a day.
- Glutamine: 3 – 5 grams a day. This amino acid is required for tissue healing and supports the immune system against infection.
- OKG (Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate): 5 – 10 grams a day. OKG has an anti-catabolic effect, supports healing, and boosts the immune system.
- Whey Isolate Protein Powder: 1 – 2 scoops a day.
- Hesperidin: 500 – 1000 mg a day. It is a bioflavonoid that strengthens capillaries and increases effectiveness of vitamin C in wound healing.
- Rutin: 500 – 1000 mg a day. It is a bioflavonoid that strengthens capillaries and increases effectiveness of vitamin C in wound healing.
- Gotu Kola Extract: (containing 70 -100% triterpenoids): 60 – 120 mg a day.
- Digestive Enzymes: A full spectrum product.
- Probiotics: A product that provides 5 to 10 billion active organisms per serving.
- Multivitamins – Multiminerals: A high potency product.
Topical Implications:
- Topical vitamin E: apply 2-3 times a day onto the ulcers.
- Aloe vera gel: apply two to three times a day onto the skin lesions. It has a healing effect.
- Topical Gotu Kola: apply 2-3 times a day onto the ulcers.
Miscellaneous Suggestions:
- Liver detoxification.
- Colon cleansing.