by changes in motor control and mental function. The patients often complain of “slowing up”, having trouble dressing, rising from a seated position, climbing or descending stairs, writing and turning over in bed.
Other symptoms are stooped posture, resting tremor, slowness of movement, abnormal gait, sleep disorder, depression, masked face (reduced facial expression and blinking rate) constipation, slowness of speech, and cognitive disorder.
Parkinson’s disease results from damage to the cells in a part of the brain called “substantia nigra”. This part of the brain is responsible for releasing dopamine. The signs and symptoms are due to dopamine deficiency.
The exact cause of PD is mostly unknown (idiopathic), and genetic transmission is rare. However, the following factors increase the risk of PD:
- Rural living.
- Herbicides and pesticides.
- Food allergies.
- Head trauma.
- Heavy metals (especially lead).
- Oxidative stress (free radical damage).
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Carbon monoxide poisoning.
- MPTP (methyl phenyl tetrahydropyridine): it is a neurotoxin found in synthetic heroin and herbicides.
Surprisingly, smoking, drinking coffee and high level of uric acid might have protective effects.
Nutritional Supports:
Restricted Foods:
- Animal based proteins: meats, eggs, and dairy products.
- High protein diet.
- Preservatives and additives.
- Artificial flavours.
- Foods that contain aspartame and MGM (monosodium glutamate).
- Soft drinks.
- Alcohol.
- Allergenic foods.
- Processed foods.
- Sugars and sweets.
Recommended Foods:
- Whole grains.
- Legumes.
- Low protein diet.
- High fiber diet.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Fava beans and velvet beans: they are natural sources of dopamine.
- Spices with high levels of antioxidants: sumac, turmeric, and cinnamon.
- Coffee.
- Dark chocolate.
- Flaxseeds, chia, hemp seeds, and walnuts. They are excellent sources of ALA (alpha-linoleic acid).
- Wheat germs and seaweeds.
- Green tea.
Recommended Supplements:
- Co – Enzyme Q10 (high doses): 1000 – 1200 mg a day.
- Omega – 3 Fatty Acids:1 – 3 grams a day.
- Vitamin C: 2 – 3 grams a day.
- Vitamin D: 3000 – 5000 IU a day.
- French Maritime Pine Bark Extract: 100 – 200 mg a day.
- Grape Seed Extract: 100 – 200 mg a day.
- NAC (N – Acetylcysteine): 1000 – 1500 mg a day.
- NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide): 10 – 15 mg a day.
- D – Phenylalanine: 1000 – 1500 mg a day.
- 5 – HTP (5 – Hydroxytryptophan): 50 – 100 mg a day.
- Spirulina: as a tablet: 3000 mg a day, as a powder: 2 – 3 teaspoons a day.
- Multivitamins – Multiminerals: A high potency product.
Miscellaneous Suggestions:
- Colon cleansing.
- Liver detoxification.