OKG can stimulate the hormone cascade by different mechanisms. Taking orally, it reduces the breakdown of the muscle tissues and loss of muscle amino acids (catabolism). OKG provides users with a potential release of growth hormone, an anti-catabolic effect, and an easily accessible source of glutamine and ornithine. It also stimulates the brain, boosts the immune system, and is an important ammonia scavenger.
Based on studies, a combination of glutamine, arginine, ornithine, and lysine has a synergistic effect on releasing GH. Most athletes who take OKG report that their performance increases, the duration of exercise lengthens, and exercise-induced fatigue takes longer to occur. Any athlete who does not take OKG is losing the advantages of a potent supplement.
Dosage and Side Effects:
No standard dosage has been determined, but most researchers recommend 6 to 12 grams per day. Because OKG raises the body`s glutamine levels and glutamine has a role in the recovery of glycogen`s resources, OKG can be used after events and workouts as a rebuilder of energy sources. I recommend that athletes take OKG one to two hours before exercise or at bedtime two hours after consuming a high protein food.
As a GH releaser, OKG in doses of 10 grams or more is more effective than either ornithine or alpha ketoglutarate. OKG has an anti-aging effect too, because it can raise the levels of GH, strengthen the immune system, and prevent age-related muscle wasting.
OKG`s ability to increase protein synthesis, decrease protein break down, raise GH secretion, provide a source for glutamine and ornithine, elevate insulin levels, and provide anabolic-like effects have made it very popular with serious strength and endurance athletes. Some investigations claim that magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin B6 enhance the effectiveness of OKG.