Athletic Disorders

Overtraining Syndrome:

Affecting up to 30% of athletes of team sports and 50% of athletes of individual sports and gym-goers, overtraining syndrome (OTS) is a complex syndrome with physical, psychological, emotional, immunological, and
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Mountain Sickness:

 Also known as altitude disease, mountain sickness is a condition experienced by skiers, mountain climbers, and hikers. It occurs due to a decrease in oxygen content of the arterial blood at high altitudes.
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Jet Lag:

Jet lag is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder caused by travelling across time zones. It is one of the silent busters of performance in sports. Jet lag occurs due to mismatch between
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Female Athlete Triad:

Female athlete triad (FAT) is an athletic syndrome characterized by the triad of disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. These three medical conditions are interrelated, and the syndrome is not often recognized by health care
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